Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ice, Ice Baby

Good morning to all once again. I thank all my blogger friends to spend the time to comment on my blog. It means a lot and I was able to learn a great deal from you. 

Yesterday was my youngest daughter's birthday, AmyLynn. I was thinking to tell her age but after what people have expressed to me I/m not going to put her age. I'm just going to say that I'm 72 years old. Oh my goodness. From my head up I feel very young but from my neck down, well lets just say that I know why I need a walker now. LOL 

It's still cold outside and the snow is staying for awhile.


 I wish I could even do this today. I use to be a referee in hockey when I was younger. No longer. 


 I once tried ice skating on a lake, but I fell in. Nobody helped me either, they just laughed at me in panic.

Worsst summer vacation ever. 


The thing about ice skating.........

No matter how good you are, the hardest part is always your nipples. 


My rich neighbor just had a private ice rick built!

I said to him " Can I have a go?" and he said " Yeah, but it'll cost a dollar. "

T thought: " What a cheap skate . " 


What is the hardest art about ice skating?

Telling your parents that you are Gay.




An  English, Scottish and Irish man are being sent to prison for life

But the judge says as a small act of kindness you can each take one item to prison with you to make it a little more bearable.

In  Prison they show each other what they got.

The Englishman “I got these  fine cigars so I can spend the evening smoking and thinking.

The Scottish man “I got this  Fine Scotch whisky  so at the end of evening I can drink to the day.

The Irishman “I got this  Box of tampons

The other two “Why??”

 The Irishman said " Because it says on the box  with these I can go swimming, Ice skating and play sports.








Cruisin Paul






  1. Good Winter memes! Happy Birthday Amy Lynn! I don't get who these people are that tell you what you can and can't do. Crazy. Do you Paul, don't listen to others.

    1. Doesn't really matter who said it but the fact that someone did. I have to be careful especially if it's a family member but thanks Peg, I'll try my best.

  2. Wishing your daughter many happy returns of the day. The way i deal with age is i say they are old enough to know better.

    Thanks for the funnies!

    1. I like that Mimi, " they are old enough to know better. " Have a great day my friend.

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter Amy Lynn. Its the same with me. I feel very young in my head but my body tells me its a lie. Hahahaaaa....Thank you for all the funnies.

    1. It's amazing as we get older Nancy. As long as we can enjoy our food, that's all that's important. LOL

  4. I only tried ice skating once in high school where I spent hours trying to get up! The next day everything hurt!. I love to watch figure skating on TV and once in person. They work so hard.

    1. I use to enjoy ice skating. I even eventually got involved with referee hockey but my stroke stopped all of that.


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