Thursday, August 11, 2022

I Love The Rain

Good morning friends. Well we finally got some rain and out lawn is looking better. I went to my eye doctor and she wants me to go a specialist. It seems I have some problems with my eyes. Oh well, what is new. I'm seeing my doctor on the 23rd because I seem to have a problem with my right side. Everytime I walk it's very painful. Lets see if I have any more things wrong with me. No, that's about it. Believe it or not, life is going good. These other thing are natural I guess. I'm lucky to be even here to I'm proud to have what I have, the many friends I have and what God has given me. So, I'm happy. I guess I didn't have much to write about today except the pains I have LOL





Cruisin Paul



  1. great memes Paul. I had to show a couple to my husband. :-) It only hurts when you walk? Now that is interesting for an eye. Here's to it being nothing at all !!

    1. I feel bad that I am complaining about my pains and you are dealing with so much. I'm sorry. I keep quit about my small pains. Keep strong my friend.

  2. The older we get, the more these things happen. You are staying up on it, that's the good thing.

    Thanks for the funnies, and you are in my prayers.

    1. Thank you Mimi. I need the prayers. God has been helping me throughout my entire life.

  3. I remember leaving a comment here but it has disappeared. I do hope the doctor will know what is causing the pain. I am having to bear with my heel/sole pain.

    1. I hope your heel/sole pain goes away soon Nancy.

  4. You sound like me Paul - parts are wearing out but I'm still here and going strong!

    1. Ha,ha,ha Carol. I like your comment. I really think parts of me are breaking apart.


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