Saturday, November 2, 2019

Getting Cold Saturday

For some reason, I woke up very early this morning. Even Mary Lou was shocked when I woke her up. I don't know why but here I am. Good morning friends. What an unusual week. I got my flu shot and that evening my throat started closing up. I've never had a reaction like that. They told me that they gave me a special flu shot because I'm now 70. Then next morning suddenly my nose started to bleed. I got that stopped and after that everything went well. What a weird beginning of November. Next week in the low 40's and the next week in the low 30's. Winter isn't even here yet. Very weird.


                Thanks Mom & Dad for making me.


Daughter: Dad
Dad: Yes honey
Daughter: Im Lesbian
Dad: Ok
Daughter 2: Dad
Dad: Yes?
Daughter 2: Im lesbian too
Dad: GOD does anyone like boys around here
Son: I do…


jack and jill went up the hill to do it in the water. jack slipped, his condom ripped, and now they have a daughter



Father: Why did you get such a low score in that exam?
Son: Absence!
Father: You were absent on the day of the exam?
Son: No but the boy who sits next to me was!



A teacher asked her students to use the word "beans" in a sentence. "My father grows beans," said one girl. "My mother cooks beans," said a boy. A third student spoke up, "We are all human beans."


Coming Downstairs

Teddy came thundering down the stairs, much to his father's annoyance.

"Teddy,' he called, 'how many more times have I got to tell you to come down the stairs quietly? Now, go back up and come down like a civilised human being."

There was a silence, and Teddy reappeared in the front room.

"That's better," said his father. "Now will you always come down stairs like that?"

"Suits me," said Teddy. "I slid down the bannister."




         Have A Great Weekend Friends.



  1. Yikes on your flu shot. We get the same fluzone high dose shot you get, but no reaction at all. Just a sore arm for a couple of days. Yikes, what you went through was awful.

    Love all the funnies.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Paul. 😎

    1. That's the way I felt. Never had a reaction like that before.

  2. I hope you have fully recovered from the flu shot reaction by now. Thanks for all the jokes.

  3. Hope you have recovered. I am going for mine today. Have a wonderful week Paul

    1. I am Peg. I hope that you don't have any reaction.

  4. I had my flu jab Friday morning I have not had a reaction any time I have had it yet, hope all is well now :-)

    I liked the jokes Pauleo my brother's name is Robert, and LOL @ human beans hahah!

    How could I forget you Pauleo although I haven't been around much these last few days till today :-)

    Have a tanfastic week :-)

    1. No problem Steveo. I'm happy that you didn't get reaction from your flu shot.

  5. Right now i'm trying to catch up on blogs, and i started with this and it was great! Hope you have no reactions from the shot and no flu this year.


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