Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Brrrrrr, it is very cold outside. Before Christmas, we were having temps between 45 - 50 degrees and it's been pretty good but suddenly in January we've been in a freeze zone with snow, wind, ice & below temperatures like

 - 10 temps. I went to see my grandson play hockey and it was colder outside the arena the inside where the ice was.


  Why was the book freezing cold?

  " It lost its jacket ."


I left my PC on all night and when I woke up, it was freezing.

" Turns out, I left the Windows open" get it, Windows.



What do you call a hooker in below freezing weather?

" A Frostitute ". 


I don't know if I just got hit by freezing rain,

but it hurt like hail,


It was freezing that day and I prayed for snow at my wedding.

" Never happened but I got 8 inches at my honeymoon."


During this football game, the helmets were so frozen that when they hit the quarterback so hard his helmet broke apart.


Cruisin Paul




  1. We're cold here, too, at least for us. I pray we all thaw out soon. Thanks for the funnies!

  2. Oh boy, I thought that was the back of my house. It looks exactly alike, but when I showed your pic to hubby he said we only have one spout! Ohhhhhhhhh OK! WE'RE ALL FREEZING! brrrrrrr it's -4 degrees right now... I'm right outside of Chicago.. bRRRRRRRR STAY WARM MY FRIEND!

  3. Well Dolly, I guess that we are all in the same freezing area. Warm up if you can my friend.

  4. Crikey I thought London was cold the last week but it's mild compared to where you are Pauleo brrrr :-)
    I enjiyed the laughs you have to smile to keep going

    Hope your doing ok Pauleo have a tanfastictastic milder week 👍

  5. I was cold before dropping by, I'm even colder now! It was worth it though. Nice one!

  6. I guess my Cruisin Paul name is so frozen that I can't move it. To my friend Steveo, I'm sure lucky that my friend Steveo isn't here. He'd be like an ice cube.

  7. Same goes to Keith and Villrose. Keep warm all of you.

  8. You made me feel so cold just looking at the photos. Stay warm my friend.


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