Friday, July 14, 2023

Well, I back again. This week, the 13th Mary Lou & I spent some time enjoying our 49th anniversary. We had an enjoyable lunch at Riccardo's, a great place for lunch & Dinner. After we came home for a coffee and I fell asleep. Oh well that's life. This morning we had breakfast with Jerry our friend. On morning I'm having a good new friend, Linden Crane our town's councillor. This young man is so smart and wants a let of things for this town. 


How do we know that the ocean is friendly?

It waves.



What did the beach say to the tide when it came in?

Long time, no sea. 



Cruisin Paul




  1. Congratulations, i wish you many happy returns of your anniversary.

    Thanks for the giggles!

    1. Thank you very much Mimi. I;m very happy to have made 49 years with this very beautiful lady that I have. She has put up with me for many years.

  2. Congratulations on such an awesome anniversary! May you have many more.

    1. Thank you Carol. I'm the lucky person who has Mary Lou. I don't what I would do without her.

  3. Happy Anniversary a bit late. Sorry! Loved the memes today.

  4. Thank you Peg. I think Rick knows he's a lucky man also just like me with my wife.

  5. Congrats from me too Pauleo and Happy Anniversary and best wishes from London, glad you had a nice time :-)

    I laughed at the funnies as always heheh!

    Have an anniversaytastic week 👍

  6. Thank you Steveo. It's nice having a comment about my 49th anniversary from London, England.


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