Monday, October 23, 2023

Welcome friends. In a few days, the last day of October will be Halloween. Those little ghouls will be arriving to your doors wanting to get some candy. Trick or Treat.

I had to go back to the eye specialist because the surgery on my right eye is still having some problems. For the next six weeks I need to put these drops for many days. What a pain.


How is life like toilet paper?

" You're either on a roll or taking shit from someone. "


What do you call a useless piece of skin on a penis?

" A Man. "  


What's the difference between a G - spot and a clitoris?

" Men don't care. " 


What's the difference between a G - spot and a golf ball.?

"A man will actually search for a golf ball. " 


Why is a one night stand with a man like a snowstorm? 

" You never know when he's coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last. "




Cruisin Paul




  1. I posted and went to write more and it vanished. I won't repeat in case you got it. I'm sorry about your eye though. And I too love Halloween, because I love kids and candy. 😁

  2. Sorry about it. I don't know why it vanished but I'm glad I got the rest of it. I love Halloween also but I have to try and not eat all the candy before Halloween night. LOL

  3. Sorry your eye didn't go as planned and your still having prrobs with it just keep using the drops 👍

    I laughed at the funnies heheh!

    Have a halloweentastic week Pauleo and LQQK after that eye 👀👀👀

    1. I'll just have to use these drops for the next 6 weeks. See you tomorrow on your blog Steveo.

  4. Good jokes my friend... made me laugh out loud!!! hahaha Do as the doctor says... your eye may surprise you when you're done! I'll keep you in my prayers.

  5. Hey there Dolly. Good to see you again. After, I hope I'll be able to see clear.


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